GATE Electrical Engineering 2018
Book Title: | GATE Electrical Engineering 2018 |
Author: | |
ISBN-13: | 9789332582804 |
Publication: | Pearson Education |
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Overview of GATE Electrical Engineering 2018 Book
This book has been prepared by a group of faculties who are highly experienced in training GATE candidates and are also subject matter experts. As a result this book would serve as a one-stop solution for any GATE aspirant to crack the examination. The book is divided into three parts covering, (1) General Aptitude, (2) Engineering Mathematics and (3) Electrical Engineering . Coverage is as per the syllabus prescribed for GATE and topics are handled in a comprehensive manner - beginning from the basics and progressing in a step-by-step manner supported by ample number of solved and unsolved problems. Extra care has been taken to present the content in a modular and systematic manner to facilitate easy understanding of all topics. Maximum Coverage / Explanations/ illustrations Maximum Solved Problems 1700+ Maximum Practice Questions 6000+ Elaborate Question Bank Covering Previous 10 Years GATE Questions Papers Modular Design for Easy Understanding Unit-wise Time-bound Tests Complete Set of Solved 2017 GATE Online Papers Table of content :Preface Pedagogical Features of BookGATE Syllabus Chapter-wise Analysis of GATE Previous Years Papers General Information about GATEDetailed Analysis of GATE 2017 Paper Solved papers GATE 2017 PART I : General AptitudePART A Verbal AbilityChapter 1: Introduction PART B Numerical AbilityUnit 1 Quantitative AptitudeChapter 1: Simple Equations Chapter 2: Ratio-Proportion-Variation Chapter 3: Numbers Chapter 4: Percentage, Profit and Loss Chapter 5: Simple Interest and Compound Interest Chapter 6: Average Mixtures Alligations Chapter 7: Time and Work Chapter 8: Time and Distance Chapter 9: Indices Surds Logarithms Chapter 10: Quadratic Equations Chapter 11: InequalitiesChapter 12: Progressions Chapter 13: Permutations and Combinations Chapter 14: Data Interpretation UNIT II : ReasoningChapter 1: Number and Letter Series Chapter 2: Analogies Chapter 3: Odd Man Out Chapter 4: Coding and Decoding Chapter 5: Blood Relations Chapter 6: Venn Diagram Chapter 7: Seating Arrangements Chapter 8: Puzzles Chapter 9: Clocks and Calendars PART II: Engineering MathematicsChapter 1 : Linear AlgebraChapter 2: CalculusChapter 3: Differential EquationsChapter 4: Complex VariablesChapter 5: Probability and StatisticsChapter 6: Numerical MethodsChapter 7: Transform TheoryPART III : Electrical EngineeringUNIT 1: SIGNAL AND SYSTEMChapter 1: INTRODUCTION TO SIGNALS AND SYSTEMSChapter 2: LAPLACE TRANSFORMChapter 3: Z -TRANSFORMChapter 4: CONTINUOUS TIME FOURIER ANALYSISUNIT II : ANALOG AND DIGITALChapter 1: DIODE CIRCUITSChapter 2: BIPOLAR JUNCTION TRANSISTORSChapter 3: FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTORSChapter 4: TRANSISTOR BIASINGChapter 5: AMPLIFIERSChapter 6: DIFFERENTIAL AND FEEDBACK AMPLIFIERSChapter 7: Operational AmplifiersChapter 8: BOOLEAN ALGEBRA AND MINIMIZATION OF FUNCTIONSChapter 9: COMBINATIONAL CIRCUITSChapter 10: SEQUENTIAL CIRCUITSChapter 11: Sample and HOLD, A/D AND D/A CIRCUITSChapter 12: MICROPROCESSOR 8085UNIT III : ELECTRIC CIRCUIT AND FIELDSChapter 1: NETWORK Elements and BASIC LAWSChapter 2: NETWORK THEOREMS Chapter 3: TRANSIENT ANALYSIS (AC and DC)Chapter 4: TWO PORT NETWORKS Chapter 5: RESONANCEChapter 6: FILTERS AND FIELD THEORYUNIT 1V: ELECTRICAL MACHINES Chapter 1: TRANSFORMERS Chapter 2: PRINCIPLES OF ELECTROMECHANICAL ENERGY CONVERSIONChapter 3: DC MACHINES Chapter 4: INDUCTION MOTORS Chapter 5: SYNCHRONOUS MACHINESUNIT V: POWER ELECTRONICS AND DRIVES Chapter 1: POWER SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICESChapter 2: AC TO DC CONVERTER (OR) RECTIFIERSChapter 3: DC DC CONVERTER (OR) CHOPPERSChapter 4: RADIATION AND HEAT TRANSFERChapter 5: HEAT EXCHANGER, BOILING AND CONDENSATIONUNIT VI :Electrical and Electronic MeasurementsChapter 1: Error Analysis and R, L, C MeasurementsChapter 2: Electrical Measuring InstrumentsChapter 3: Measurement of Power and EnergyChapter 4: Cathode Ray Oscilloscope and Electronic VoltmetersChapter 5: Magnetic Measurements and TransducersUNIT VII : Power SystemsChapter 1: Power System Generation, Transmission and DistributionChapter 2: Fault AnalysisChapter 3: Load Flow Analysis and ProtectionChapter 4: Power Systems StabilityChapter 5: HVDC and FactsUNIT VIII : Control SystemsChapter 1: Introduction to Control SystemsChapter 2: Time Response AnalysisChapter 3: Stability AnalysisChapter 4: Controller and Compensators Chapter 5: State Space Analysis
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1496 pages
2 Jun 2017
Students and Professionals:ExamPreparation, EngineeringEntrance