China at a Turning Point: Perspective after the 19th Party Congress by Manoranjan Mohanty Book-9789386618634
  • China at a Turning Point: Perspective after the 19th Party Congress by Manoranjan Mohanty Book-9789386618634

China at a Turning Point: Perspective after the 19th Party Congress


China at a Turning Point: Perspective after the 19th Party Congress (Hardcover) Book Details:

Book Title: China at a Turning Point: Perspective after the 19th Party Congress
Author: Manoranjan Mohanty
ISBN-13: 9789386618634
Publication: Pentagon P
Reprint Year: 2019

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China at a Turning Point: Perspective after the 19th Party Congress Book Information:

Republic of China under the leadership of Xi Jinping is undergoing rapid changes at the present time. The nature of these changes was evident during the 19th Party Congress of 2017 and unfolded swiftly thereafter. This volume, produced by a group of 25 China experts of India associated with the Institute of Chinese Studies, offers a detailed examination of Xi Jinpings initiatives in the context of what was proclaimed as a `new era. The contributions cover several important areas ranging from social and political spheres to diplomatic dimensions.Discussing the leadership style and the reorganisation of the Communist Party structure, especially the Central Committee and the Politbureau, and the ongoing anti-corruption campaign, the authors underline the emerging pattern of centralisation of authority and reversal of Deng Xiaopings mode of politics. Xi Jinpings global strategy, which hinges on programmes such as the Belt and Road Initiative, and adoption of a new approach to regions as resource bases and pursuing the mantra of innovation in all spheres are examined indepth, keeping in view Chinas long term, stated ambitions to emerge as a `great, modern, strong and prosperous country by the mid-21st century. Deeper analysis of the effects of Xis policies on the media, workers, women, the environment, ethnic minorities and culture and the deconstruction of Xi Jinping Thought in theoretical and civilizational perspectives are highlights of this work.

  • Book Type/Genre :

  • Economics

  • Book Binding :

  • Hardcover

  • Language :

  • English

  • Number of Pages :

  • Page count varies on each edition/reprint

  • ISBN - 10 :

  • China at a Turning Point: Perspective after the 19th Party Congress Published On :

  • 2019

  • Resource:

  • Business & Economics, Economics Book is recommended for Students, Teachers, Graduates, Professionals, and all bibliophiles


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China at a Turning Point: Perspective after the 19th Party Congress

China at a Turning Point: Perspective after the 19th Party Congress (Hardcover) Book Details:

Book Title: China at a Turning Point: Perspective after the 19th Party Congress
Author: Manoranjan Mohanty
ISBN-13: 9789386618634
Publication: Pentagon P
Reprint Year: 2019

Buy now Manoranjan Mohanty China at a Turning Point: Perspective after the 19th Party Congress book from and get it delivered to all pincodes in India.

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