Empire, Politics and the Creation of the 1935 India Act: Last Act of the Raj by Andrew Muldoon Book-9780754667056
  • Empire, Politics and the Creation of the 1935 India Act: Last Act of the Raj by Andrew Muldoon Book-9780754667056

Empire, Politics and the Creation of the 1935 India Act: Last Act of the Raj


Empire, Politics and the Creation of the 1935 India Act: Last Act of the Raj (Hardcover) Book Details:

Book Title: Empire, Politics and the Creation of the 1935 India Act: Last Act of the Raj
Author: Andrew Muldoon
ISBN-13: 9780754667056
Publication: Ashgate
Edition: 1
Reprint Year: 2009

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Empire, Politics and the Creation of the 1935 India Act: Last Act of the Raj Book Information:

rnment of India Act was arguably the most significant turning point in the history of the British administration in India. The intent of the Act, a proposal for an Indian federation, was the continuation of British control of India, and the deflection of the challenge to the Raj posed by Gandhi, Nehru and the nationalist movement. This book seeks to understand why British administrators and politicians believed that such a strategy would work and what exactly underpinned their reasons. It is argued that British efforts to defuse and disrupt the activities of Indian nationalists in the interwar years were predicated on certain cultural beliefs about Indian political behaviour and capacity. However, this was not simply a case of 'Orientalist' policy-making. Faced with a complicated political situation, a staggering amount of information and a constant need to produce analysis, the officers of the Raj imposed their own cultural expectations upon events and evidence to render them comprehensible. Indians themselves played an often overlooked role in the formulation of this political intelligence, especially the relatively few Indians who maintained close ties to the colonial government such as T.B. Sapru and M.R. Jayakar. These men were not just mediators, as they have frequently been portrayed, but were in fact important tacticians whose activities further demonstrated the weaknesses of the colonial information economy. The author employs recently released archival material, including the Indian Political Intelligence records, to situate the 1935 Act in its multiple and overlapping contexts: internal British culture and politics; the imperial 'information order' in India; and the politics of Indian nationalism. This rich and nuanced study is essential reading for scholars working on British, Indian and imperial history.

  • Book Type/Genre :

  • Higher Education Textbooks

  • Book Binding :

  • Hardcover

  • Language :

  • English

  • Number of Pages :

  • Page count varies on each edition/reprint

  • ISBN - 10 :

  • Empire, Politics and the Creation of the 1935 India Act: Last Act of the Raj Published On :

  • 2009

  • Resource:

  • Textbooks & Study Guides, Higher Education Textbooks Book is recommended for Students, Teachers, Graduates, Professionals, and all bibliophiles


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Empire, Politics and the Creation of the 1935 India Act: Last Act of the Raj

Empire, Politics and the Creation of the 1935 India Act: Last Act of the Raj (Hardcover) Book Details:

Book Title: Empire, Politics and the Creation of the 1935 India Act: Last Act of the Raj
Author: Andrew Muldoon
ISBN-13: 9780754667056
Publication: Ashgate
Edition: 1
Reprint Year: 2009

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