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EvidenceBased Neonatal Infections (EvidenceBased Medicine) by Isaacs Book-9780470654606
  • EvidenceBased Neonatal Infections (EvidenceBased Medicine) by Isaacs Book-9780470654606

Evidence Based Neonatal Infections (Evidence Based Medicine)

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Evidence Based Neonatal Infections (Evidence Based Medicine) Book Details:

Book Title: Evidence Based Neonatal Infections (Evidence Based Medicine)
Author: Isaacs
ISBN-13: 9780470654606
Publication: Wiley-Blackwell
Edition: 1 edition (31 January 2014)

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Evidence Based Neonatal Infections (Evidence Based Medicine) Book Information:

(Topics and chapters covered in detail below):

Overview & Summary ofEvidence Based Neonatal Infections (Evidence Based Medicine) Book

Evidence Based Neonatal Infections is expertly written by David Isaacs, an experienced author renowned for his knowledge in both pediatric infections and evidence based medicine. It critically analyses the evidence for decision making in neonatal infections. Evidence Based Neonatal Infections The first evidence based text on neonatal infections Provides practical guidance where evidence is poor Complements David Isaacs Evidence Based Pediatric Infectious Diseases (9781405148580) Practical and evidence based, Evidence Based Neonatal Infections is designed to help the clinician with day to day decisions on the care of newborn babies with possible, probable or proven infections. It considers clinical questions relevant to neonatologists, analysing the evidence carefully and providing recommendations for optimum management of neonatal infectious diseases, whilst reflecting on: Efficacy and safety Antibiotic resistance Cost effectiveness Adverse effects Ethical considerations Evidence Based Neonatal Infections provides a unique reference for neonatologists, pediatricians, trainees, specialist nurses; general practitioners, microbiologists, infection control doctors, and all staff in neonatal units.

  • Book Type :

Based Neonatal Infections (Evidence

Book Binding :


Language :


Number of Pages :

312 pages

ISBN - 10 :


Evidence Based Neonatal Infections (Evidence Based Medicine) Published On :

Import, 31 Jan 2014


Textbooks & Study Guides, Higher Education Textbooks, Evidence, Based Neonatal Infections (Evidence Books for Students, Teachers, Graudates, Professionals and all others


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Evidence Based Neonatal Infections (Evidence Based Medicine)

Evidence Based Neonatal Infections (Evidence Based Medicine) Book Details:

Book Title: Evidence Based Neonatal Infections (Evidence Based Medicine)
Author: Isaacs
ISBN-13: 9780470654606
Publication: Wiley-Blackwell
Edition: 1 edition (31 January 2014)

Buy now Isaacs Evidence Based Neonatal Infections (Evidence Based Medicine) book from madrasshoppe.com and get it delivered to all pincodes in India.

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