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EvidenceBased Orthodontics by Huang G.J. Book-9780813806143
  • EvidenceBased Orthodontics by Huang G.J. Book-9780813806143

Evidence Based Orthodontics

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Evidence Based Orthodontics Book Details:

Book Title: Evidence Based Orthodontics
Author: Huang G.J.
ISBN-13: 9780813806143
Publication: Wiley-Blackwell
Edition: 1 edition (17 May 2011)

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Evidence Based Orthodontics Book Information:

(Topics and chapters covered in detail below):

Overview & Summary ofEvidence Based Orthodontics Book

Evidence-Based Orthodontics satisfies the educational demands of orthodontics, which demands the integration of the best research evidence with the clinician s expertise and the patient s unique values and circumstances. This land-mark text is the first to be devoted to the methodology, principles and practice of evidence-based practice in orthodontics. It aims to serve as a reference for those wishing to understand the principles of evidence-based practice including the foundation for clinical study design, epidemiology and the statistical inferences from data. The ability to define a search strategy from established databases and to identify relevant clinical and translational research in the scientific published literature requires a new approach in orthodontic education. Evidence-Based Orthodontics provides a contemporary approach to those strategies in clinical orthodontic practice. The growing ability to translate critical appraisals of evidence into clinical practice and evaluate clinical evidence for its validity and potential usefulness requires an understanding of basic elements in epidemiology and biostatistics. Evidence-Based Orthodontics provides its readers with a cogent, clear resource with which to navigate and understand this important subject area. It provides students and practitioners of orthodontics with an indispensible guide to this vital tenet of education, research, and clinical practice.

  • Book Type :


Book Binding :


Language :


Number of Pages :

344 pages

ISBN - 10 :


Evidence Based Orthodontics Published On :

17 May 2011


Textbooks & Study Guides, Higher Education Textbooks, Evidence Books for Students, Teachers, Graudates, Professionals and all others


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Evidence Based Orthodontics

Evidence Based Orthodontics Book Details:

Book Title: Evidence Based Orthodontics
Author: Huang G.J.
ISBN-13: 9780813806143
Publication: Wiley-Blackwell
Edition: 1 edition (17 May 2011)

Buy now Huang G.J. Evidence Based Orthodontics book from madrasshoppe.com and get it delivered to all pincodes in India.

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