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EvidenceBased Pediatric Oncology (EvidenceBased Medicine) by Pinkerton R Book-9780470659649
  • EvidenceBased Pediatric Oncology (EvidenceBased Medicine) by Pinkerton R Book-9780470659649

Evidence Based Pediatric Oncology (Evidence Based Medicine)

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Evidence Based Pediatric Oncology (Evidence Based Medicine) Book Details:

Book Title: Evidence Based Pediatric Oncology (Evidence Based Medicine)
Author: Pinkerton R
ISBN-13: 9780470659649
Publication: John Wiley (Original)

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Evidence Based Pediatric Oncology (Evidence Based Medicine) Book Information:

(Topics and chapters covered in detail below):

Overview & Summary ofEvidence Based Pediatric Oncology (Evidence Based Medicine) Book

This book is updated with evidence from the latest published reviews and is more clinically focused, with an emphasis on application of the trial findings. With increased coverage of trials in the area of supportive care for pediatric cancer patients, each chapter opens with a clinical question and concludes with a summary on the trial findings from an expert commentator.

  • Book Type :

Based Pediatric Oncology (Evidence

Book Binding :


Language :


Number of Pages :

ISBN - 10 :


Evidence Based Pediatric Oncology (Evidence Based Medicine) Published On :

Import, 26 Apr 2013


Textbooks & Study Guides, Higher Education Textbooks, Evidence, Based Pediatric Oncology (Evidence Books for Students, Teachers, Graudates, Professionals and all others


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Evidence Based Pediatric Oncology (Evidence Based Medicine)

Evidence Based Pediatric Oncology (Evidence Based Medicine) Book Details:

Book Title: Evidence Based Pediatric Oncology (Evidence Based Medicine)
Author: Pinkerton R
ISBN-13: 9780470659649
Publication: John Wiley (Original)

Buy now Pinkerton R Evidence Based Pediatric Oncology (Evidence Based Medicine) book from madrasshoppe.com and get it delivered to all pincodes in India.

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