Floral Designs and Motifs for Artists, Needleworkers and Craftspeople (Dover Pictorial Archive) by Charlene Tarbox Book-97804862
  • Floral Designs and Motifs for Artists, Needleworkers and Craftspeople (Dover Pictorial Archive) by Charlene Tarbox Book-97804862

Floral Designs and Motifs for Artists, Needleworkers and Craftspeople (Dover Pictorial Archive)


Floral Designs and Motifs for Artists, Needleworkers and Craftspeople (Dover Pictorial Archive) (Paperback) Book Details:

Book Title: Floral Designs and Motifs for Artists, Needleworkers and Craftspeople (Dover Pictorial Archive)
Author: Charlene Tarbox
ISBN-13: 9780486247168
Reprint Year: 1984

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Floral Designs and Motifs for Artists, Needleworkers and Craftspeople (Dover Pictorial Archive) Book Information:

mong nature's most beautiful creations, infinitely varied in form and texture, strikingly vivid in color. Now you can bring the freshness of a whole garden of exquisite flowers to your needlework and art projects with this versatile collection of original floral designs.Noted illustrator and fabric designer Charlene Tarbox brings sophisticated pen and ink techniques and design ingenuity to 136 floral motifs presented here for copyright-free use. A wide variety of plants and flowers are represented, spanning the seasons from early spring crocuses to autumn chrysanthemums. You'll find popular flowers in a number of horticultural varieties, native wildflowers, houseplants, and shrubs.Included in the selection are the Aztec Lily, African Violet, Bog Rosemary, Camellia, Dogwood, Evening Primrose, Forget-me-not, Gloxinia, Holly, Sacred Lotus, Magnolia, Oak, Orchid, Wild Strawberry, Parrot Tulip, and dozens of other floral motifs.These crisply rendered designs lend themselves to a myriad of decorative applications: needlework and craft projects, illustrations, borders, frames, and corner cuts for advertisements, stationery, book covers, menus, invitations, almost anything that would be enhanced by an elegant floral touch.Needleworkers, craftspeople, graphic artists, illustrators, and anyone needing floral illustrations will find this volume a handy source of exceptional, ready-to-use designs . . . costing only pennies apiece.

  • Book Type/Genre :

  • Humanities

  • Book Binding :

  • Paperback

  • Language :

  • English

  • Number of Pages :

  • Page count varies on each edition/reprint

  • ISBN - 10 :

  • Floral Designs and Motifs for Artists, Needleworkers and Craftspeople (Dover Pictorial Archive) Published On :

  • 1984

  • Resource:

  • Higher Education Textbooks, Humanities Book is recommended for Students, Teachers, Graduates, Professionals, and all bibliophiles


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Floral Designs and Motifs for Artists, Needleworkers and Craftspeople (Dover Pictorial Archive)

Floral Designs and Motifs for Artists, Needleworkers and Craftspeople (Dover Pictorial Archive) (Paperback) Book Details:

Book Title: Floral Designs and Motifs for Artists, Needleworkers and Craftspeople (Dover Pictorial Archive)
Author: Charlene Tarbox
ISBN-13: 9780486247168
Reprint Year: 1984

Buy now Charlene Tarbox Floral Designs and Motifs for Artists, Needleworkers and Craftspeople (Dover Pictorial Archive) book from madrasshoppe.com and get it delivered to all pincodes in India.

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