Formula for Prosperity by VASWANI J.P. Book-9788120745902
  • Formula for Prosperity by VASWANI J.P. Book-9788120745902

Formula for Prosperity

Book Title: Formula for Prosperity
Author: VASWANI J.P.
ISBN-13: 9788120745902
Publication: Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd (1 May 2009)
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Overview of Formula for Prosperity Book

What is prosperity? How best can we attain to it? Of what is it constituted? What are the laws which govern this highly desired state? Revered Dada J P Vaswani reinterprets prosperity for us in terms that we can relate to. He redefines prosperity as a state of abundance, contentment and self-fulfilment which includes material wealth, physical wellbeing, emotional health and spiritual welfare. Reading his magical book, you will come to realise that true wealth is not confined to bank accounts, safety vaults and fat pay cheques. It is that which ever multiplies, and never diminishes! Prosperity, Revered Dada tells us, is not just having lots of money. It is about an attitude, a mindset, that thinks in terms of abundance, instead of lack and want. As he tells us forcefully, 'Change your attitude, and you can change your life!' Revered Dada has no short cuts to offer. He has no get-rich-quick tricks to promote. His formula emphasises those timeless, universal values on which the true and lasting wealth of this world was produced in the past, and continues to be produced today - honesty, integrity, generosity and hard work. When you translate these values into deeds of daily life, you too can earn your wealth and prosperity. So go ahead, and discover true abundance and contentment with the help of Revered Dada. As always, he captures the essence of things, with his characteristic lucidity, precision, wisdom and good humour!

  • Book Type :

  • Religious Studies

  • Book Binding :

  • Paperback

  • Language :

  • English

  • Number of Pages :

  • 128 pages

  • ISBN - 10 :

  • 8120745906

  • Formula for Prosperity Published On :

  • 1 May 2009

  • Resource:

  • Religion, Religious Studies Books for Students, Teachers, Graudates, Professionals and all others


    • Formula for Prosperity Book is not for reading online or for free download in PDF or eBook format.
    • Table of Contents,Index,Syllabus,summary and image of Formula for Prosperity book may be of a different edition or of the same title.
    • Price can change due to reprinting, price change by publisher or sourcing cost change for imported books.
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Formula for Prosperity

Book Title: Formula for Prosperity
Author: VASWANI J.P.
ISBN-13: 9788120745902
Publication: Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd (1 May 2009)

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