Genetics by P S Verma Book-9788121931144
  • Genetics by P S Verma Book-9788121931144


Book Title: Genetics
Author: P S Verma
ISBN-13: 9788121931144
Publication: S Chand Publishing
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Overview of Genetics Book

The book helps assimilate extensive information on Genetics. Besides containing the chapters on classical genetics, it also covers molecular genetics and genetic engineering. Though it has been primarily developed for B Sc (Pass and Honours) students, it can be equally useful for MSc in Zoology, Botany, Microbiology and Biotechnology and various competitive examinations. 21 new chapters including Genetic Engineering and contemporary information on Quantitative Genetics and Immunogenetics Rich pedagogy comprising figures, tables, boxes, coloured photographs, exhaustive and explanatory glossary, Multiple Choice Questions and Answers Revision questions to test students' understanding at the end of each chapter Model solved problems to show readers how to solve Genetical problems 1. Introduction2. Profiles of Some Geneticists and Molecular BiologistsPart One: Physical base of inheretance3. Cell4. Chromosomes5. Cell Division6. Gametogenesis7. Fertilization8. Life Cycles of Some Genetically Important OrganismsPart Two: Classical Ginetics or Transmission Genetics9. Mendel and his Work10. Monohybrid Crosses and Law of Segregation11. Modification of 3:1 Phenotypic Ratio, Lethal Genes, Penetrance, Expressivity and Pleiotropism12. Dihybrid crosses and Mendel s Law of Independent Assortment13. Physical Basis of Inheritance (Chromosome Theory of Inheritance)14. Genetic Interaction (Interaction of Genes)15. Biometry and Statistical Applications in Genetics16. Inheritance of Quantitative Traits (Multiple Genes)17. Multiple Alleles (Allelic Variations)18. Blood Group Inheritance and Immunogenetics19. Linkage20. Crossing Over21. Genetic and Physical Mapping of Chromosomes22. Haploid Mapping (Tetrad and Gene Conversion Analysis), Mitotic Recombination in Haploid Organisms23. Sexuality and Recombination in Bacteria and Viruses (Microbial Genetics)24. The Gene (Fine Structure of Gene)25. Determination of Sex and Sex Differentiation26. Sex-linked InheritancePart Three: Cytogenetics27. Chromosomal Mutation-I (Cytogenetics: Numerical Changes in Chromosomes)28. Chromosomal Mutation-II (Cytogenetics : Structural Changes in Chromosomes)29. Human Cytogenetics and SyndromesPART FOUR: MOLECULAR GENETICS30. Identification of the Genetic materials31. Chemical Nature of Genetic Materials (i.e., DNA and RNA)32. Organization of Genetic Material33. Plasmids, is Elements, Transposons and Retroelements34. Multigene Families35. Replication of DNA36. Transcription37. Messenger RNA38. rRNA and tRNA39. Genetic Code40. Phenotypic Expression of Gene (Biochemical Genetics)41. Translation42. Post-Translational Processing of Proteins43. Regulation of Gene Action in Bacteria and Viruses44. Regulation of Gene Action in Eukaryotes Part Five: Miscellaneous General Optics45. Genetics of Development46. Alteration of Genetic Material (Point Mutation)47. Population Genetics48. Cytoplasmic, Extra-chromosomal or Extra-nuclear Inheritance49. Immunogenetics50. Genetics of Cancer51. Human Genetics52. Inbreeding, Outbreeding and Hybrid Vigour53. Eugenics, Euthenics and EuphenicsPart Six: Genetic Engineering54. Basic Principles of Gene Cloning55. Enzymes of Genetic Engineering56. Gene Cloning Vectors57. Genetic Engineering (Isolation, Sequencing and Synthesis of Gene)58. Genetic Engineering and Future59. Genomic Mapping60. Genomics, Binformatics and Proteomics

  • Book Type :

  • Science&Mathematics

  • Book Binding :

  • Paperback

  • Language :

  • English

  • Number of Pages :

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Book Title: Genetics
Author: P S Verma
ISBN-13: 9788121931144
Publication: S Chand Publishing

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