How To Set Up A Hospital Along With SOPs by Dr. Arun K. Agarwal Book-9788126920952
  • How To Set Up A Hospital Along With SOPs by Dr. Arun K. Agarwal Book-9788126920952

How To Set Up A Hospital Along With SOPs


How To Set Up A Hospital Along With SOPs (Hardcover) Book Details:

Book Title: How To Set Up A Hospital Along With SOPs
Author: Dr. Arun K. Agarwal
ISBN-13: 9788126920952
Publication: Atlantic
Reprint Year: 2019

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How To Set Up A Hospital Along With SOPs Book Information:

hospital is a huge task and involves so many things, like deciding on the areas of exclusive services offered by the hospital; studying the requirements of the society; researching on the facilities provided by the rival hospital in the specific field; determining the initiating costs and the functional prices for constructing and operating a hospital business; taking advice from the real estate agent to identify the probable area of land where you can construct your hospital edifice; recognizing the accurate kinds of tools and products you will require to run your hospital; studying the existing costs for every item which will eventually give you the final charges for your set up cost estimates; settling upon the kinds of promotional channels you will utilize to disseminate your message; and preparing and incorporating in it all the information on your needs and objectives.Services to be provided in your hospital are of utmost importance. Thus, one of the important criteria is to have such a plan as to minimise cross infection in the hospital. For example, the air-conditioning should be designed in such a way that the operation theatres do not have less than 20 air changes per hour and at least 30% of fresh air is supplied in the theatres. (These are minimum recommendations. Specialised surgical theatres will require higher standards.) In a hospital, different areas need to have different levels of comfort.Energy saving is the need of the hour and modern architects are planning more and more green buildings. Hospital building should also be planned as a green building. Care should be taken for disabled persons who will be visiting the hospital. As the movement of persons is 247, security aspects should be taken into consideration.The book is based on the author's experience in the field of hospital planning and administration and undertaking various hospital projects as a Hospital Consultant and a Medical Administrator.This book gives you standard operating procedures (SOPs) for some important departments. It provides practical guidance not available elsewhere. It provides guidance not only for setting up a new multispecialty hospital but also to run it profitably and follow all rules and norms set up by Government and various accreditation agencies. Nowadays, if you do not have accreditation, you may not be empanelled with companies engaged in medical insurance business. If you are not empanelled, it will be difficult to run the hospital profitably. The book throws light on many such aspects as well. It will prove useful for those who are planning to set up a hospitable and run it successfully.

  • Book Type/Genre :

  • Higher Education Textbooks

  • Book Binding :

  • Hardcover

  • Language :

  • English

  • Number of Pages :

  • Page count varies on each edition/reprint

  • ISBN - 10 :

  • How To Set Up A Hospital Along With SOPs Published On :

  • 2016

  • Resource:

  • Textbooks & Study Guides, Higher Education Textbooks Book is recommended for Students, Teachers, Graduates, Professionals, and all bibliophiles


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How To Set Up A Hospital Along With SOPs

How To Set Up A Hospital Along With SOPs (Hardcover) Book Details:

Book Title: How To Set Up A Hospital Along With SOPs
Author: Dr. Arun K. Agarwal
ISBN-13: 9788126920952
Publication: Atlantic
Reprint Year: 2019

Buy now Dr. Arun K. Agarwal How To Set Up A Hospital Along With SOPs book from and get it delivered to all pincodes in India.

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