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Kuknalim, Naga Armed Resistance: Testimonies of Leaders, Pastors, Healers and Soldiers by Nandita Haksar and Sebastian M. Hongra
  • Kuknalim, Naga Armed Resistance: Testimonies of Leaders, Pastors, Healers and Soldiers by Nandita Haksar and Sebastian M. Hongra

Kuknalim, Naga Armed Resistance: Testimonies of Leaders, Pastors, Healers and Soldiers

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Kuknalim, Naga Armed Resistance: Testimonies of Leaders, Pastors, Healers and Soldiers (Paperback) Book Details:

Book Title: Kuknalim, Naga Armed Resistance: Testimonies of Leaders, Pastors, Healers and Soldiers
Author: Nandita Haksar and Sebastian M. Hongray
ISBN-13: 9789388874915
Publication: Speaking Tiger

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Kuknalim, Naga Armed Resistance: Testimonies of Leaders, Pastors, Healers and Soldiers Book Information:

valuable and revealing book about the decades-long Naga national movement, containing interviews with leaders, ideologues and soldiers that have never been published before. This first-of-its-kind book tells the story of the Naga national movement from the inside. Based on extensive interviews of the Naga nationalists, conducted in the late 1990s in Bangkok, Kathmandu, Dimapur and Delhi, it explains why the Indo-Naga conflict has lasted more than seven decades, and why successive prime ministers of India, from Jawaharlal Nehru to Narendra Modi, have personally met the Naga leaders and tried to resolve the conflict. In Kuknalim, leaders and members of ten Naga tribes spread across India and Myanmar speak directly to the reader about their childhood experiences, reasons for joining the armed struggle, and their personal triumphs and tragedies. They recount their journeys from small impoverished mountain villages through the jungles of Myanmar to Chinafrom where they carried back arms to fight for an independent Nagalandand finally the journey to the negotiating table. These stories relate to the period of the Naga movement from World War II to 1997, when Naga nationalists under the NSCN (IM) entered into a ceasefire agreement with the Indian state and began peace talks. And in the introduction to the book and the different sections in it, the authors also write about subsequent events, besides providing the political context for each interview. A groundbreaking work, Kuknalim offers invaluable insights into the world of Naga insurgency and its geo-political significance. Without asking the reader to agree or disagree with the people and movement it profiles, the book also examines complex questions of identity politics; the role of religion in nationalism; and the sentiments that drive men and women to take up arms and endure extreme hardship in pursuit of their dreams.

  • Book Type/Genre :

  • Political Structure Processes

  • Book Binding :

  • Paperback

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  • Number of Pages :

  • Page count varies on each edition/reprint

  • ISBN - 10 :

  • Kuknalim, Naga Armed Resistance: Testimonies of Leaders, Pastors, Healers and Soldiers Published On :

  • Resource:

  • Politics, Political Structure Processes Book is recommended for Students, Teachers, Graduates, Professionals, and all bibliophiles


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Kuknalim, Naga Armed Resistance: Testimonies of Leaders, Pastors, Healers and Soldiers

Kuknalim, Naga Armed Resistance: Testimonies of Leaders, Pastors, Healers and Soldiers (Paperback) Book Details:

Book Title: Kuknalim, Naga Armed Resistance: Testimonies of Leaders, Pastors, Healers and Soldiers
Author: Nandita Haksar and Sebastian M. Hongray
ISBN-13: 9789388874915
Publication: Speaking Tiger

Buy now Nandita Haksar and Sebastian M. Hongray Kuknalim, Naga Armed Resistance: Testimonies of Leaders, Pastors, Healers and Soldiers book from madrasshoppe.com and get it delivered to all pincodes in India.

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