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Minor Injuries: A Clinical Guide, 3e by Purcell D Book-9780702066696
  • Minor Injuries: A Clinical Guide, 3e by Purcell D Book-9780702066696

Minor Injuries: A Clinical Guide, 3e

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Minor Injuries: A Clinical Guide, 3e Book Details:

Book Title: Minor Injuries: A Clinical Guide, 3e
Author: Purcell D
ISBN-13: 9780702066696
Publication: Churchill Livingstone
Edition: 3 edition (14 October 2016)

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Minor Injuries: A Clinical Guide, 3e Book Information:

(Topics and chapters covered in detail below):

Overview & Summary ofMinor Injuries: A Clinical Guide, 3e Book

The latest edition of this popular textbook continues to offer accessible, practical and clinically relevant information on the management of minor injuries. Reflecting the author's long experience as a practitioner and teacher, the volume covers anatomy, examination and specific injuries in the depth that the specialty requires. Injuries to all parts of the body are included. Richly illustrated throughout - with many original images based on the author's own designs - the volume is also accompanied by online videos where the author demonstrates the limb examinations which are described in the text. The new edition has expanded to survey the law and the basic principles for X-ray requesting and interpretation in minor injury areas. The volume also offers more detailed guidance on the specific X-rays which are required for each of the limb joints. This material is intended to satisfy the legal training requirements for new practitioners to request X-rays as non-medical referrers. Fully updated to include the latest guidelines and current practice on minor injuries of every kind, the third edition now offers a more comprehensive structure for the specialty of minor injuries, based on injuries to the limb and to the midline. Within the different topics under these broad headings, advice is given on the care of children, adults and the elderly. Minor Injuries: A Clinical Guide, third edition, will be indispensable to every trainee, from nursing and from other professions, and to those who are already qualified and who wish to expand or update their practice. The volume also aims to equip practitioners to work in stand-alone units, seeing every patient who presents, and as such is ideal for those undertaking Advanced Practice training. The book also offers teachers of minor injuries a rationale for their sessions and a framework for designing their courses.Describes working methods which are robust, flexible and swift Explains the classification of musculoskeletal injuries and use of current investigative techniques Explains normal limb movement to contextualize abnormal presentation More than 150 illustrations help clarify sometimes complex anatomical and clinical information Explains the importance of accurate record keeping, including reference to current law Discusses the management of trauma in children and adolescents with special reference to consent and confidentiality, non-accidental injury, communication, analgesia, and sports injuries Chapter on wound care, including burns, describes wound assessment, exploration, infection, treatment and complications Explains the management of minor head injuries, including clinical examination, the use of imaging techniques, cranial nerve assessment, and discharge advice Chapter on facial trauma includes damage to the eye, ENT problems such as foreign bodies, and tooth avulsion Accompanying website contains 77 videos showing the techniques described in the book and a fully downloadable image bank to aid personal study Contains new information on X-ray interpretation Re-organized to reflect the difference in approach between midline injuries and limb injuries Explains the differences in the management of children and adults Differentiates between the different categories of older people - the active and fit retiree and the frail older person

  • Book Type :

Higher Education Textbooks

Book Binding :


Language :


Number of Pages :

318 pages

ISBN - 10 :


Minor Injuries: A Clinical Guide, 3e Published On :

14 Oct 2016


Textbooks & Study Guides, Higher Education Textbooks Books for Students, Teachers, Graudates, Professionals and all others


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Minor Injuries: A Clinical Guide, 3e

Minor Injuries: A Clinical Guide, 3e Book Details:

Book Title: Minor Injuries: A Clinical Guide, 3e
Author: Purcell D
ISBN-13: 9780702066696
Publication: Churchill Livingstone
Edition: 3 edition (14 October 2016)

Buy now Purcell D Minor Injuries: A Clinical Guide, 3e book from madrasshoppe.com and get it delivered to all pincodes in India.

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