My Life with George: The Inspirational Story of How a Wilful Dog Brought Joy to a Bereaved Family

Book Title: My Life with George: The Inspirational Story of How a Wilful Dog Brought Joy to a Bereaved Family
Author: Judith Summers
ISBN-13: 9780141032238
Publication: Penguin UK (15 August 2008)

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Overview of My Life with George: The Inspirational Story of How a Wilful Dog Brought Joy to a Bereaved Family Book

When Judith Summers s husband and father both died within the space of two weeks, she found herself floundering. Life for her and her eight-year-old son Joshua seemed relentlessly bleak. Then George bounced into their lives. A loving Cavalier King Charles Spaniel with film-star looks, George reawoke their joie de vivre. Yet Judith soon discovered that living with George had its drawbacks. He was a full-time job and as expensive to run as a Ferrari. Wilful and badly behaved, he refused to eat anything other than roast chicken, preferred travelling by car to walking, and became as jealous as a spurned lover if any man dared show an interest in her. And when a near-death tangle with a Staffordshire Bull terrier resulted in costly sessions with an animal psychologist, Judith found that it was she who was put on the couch . . .

  • Book Type :

Biographies & Autobiographies

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Number of Pages :

272 pages

ISBN - 10 :


My Life with George: The Inspirational Story of How a Wilful Dog Brought Joy to a Bereaved Family Published On :

15 Aug 2008


Biographies, Diaries & True Accounts, Biographies & Autobiographies Books for Students, Teachers, Graudates, Professionals and all others


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My Life with George: The Inspirational Story of How a Wilful Dog Brought Joy to a Bereaved Family

Book Title: My Life with George: The Inspirational Story of How a Wilful Dog Brought Joy to a Bereaved Family
Author: Judith Summers
ISBN-13: 9780141032238
Publication: Penguin UK (15 August 2008)

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