Network Security and Cryptography
Book Title: | Network Security and Cryptography |
Author: | Bernard Menezes |
ISBN-13: | 9788131513491 |
Publication: | Cengage |
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Overview of Network Security and Cryptography Book
Network Security and Cryptography is primarily designed to serve as a textbook for undergraduate students of Computer Science and Engineering. The book provides an in-depth coverage of all important concepts pertaining to cryptography and network security. Beginning with an introduction to cyber attacks and the defence measures, strategies and techniques that need to be followed to combat them, the book goes on to explore several crucial topics such as basics of cryptography, secret key and public key cryptography, cryptographic hash, key management, authentication, IPSec, wireless LAN security, vulnerabilities, malware, access control, firewalls, intrusion prevention and detection, RFIDs, electronic payment and web services and security. Written in a clear and comprehensive manner, the book would prove extremely helpful to students. The book is interspersed with a large number of figures and tables that greatly complement the text. A number of additional features have been included at the end of each chapter such as Selected References, which direct students towards other literature available on the subject Objective-Type Questions and Exercises, which enable students to gauge the depth of their understanding regarding the topic discussed in the chapter and Answers to Objective-Type Questions. A Bibliography is provided at the end of the book which contains the complete details of the references cited throughout the text.
Book Type :
Book Binding :
Language :
Number of Pages :
432 pages
ISBN - 10 :
Network Security and Cryptography Published On :
1 Apr 2010
Students and Professionals:Computing,Internet&DigitalMedia, ComputerScience
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