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Physiological Responses of Plants to Attack by Walters D R Book-9781444333299
  • Physiological Responses of Plants to Attack by Walters D R Book-9781444333299

Physiological Responses of Plants to Attack

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Physiological Responses of Plants to Attack Book Details:

Book Title: Physiological Responses of Plants to Attack
Author: Walters D R
ISBN-13: 9781444333299
Publication: Wiley-Blackwell (24 April 2015)

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Physiological Responses of Plants to Attack Book Information:

(Topics and chapters covered in detail below):

Overview & Summary ofPhysiological Responses of Plants to Attack Book

Despite the research effort put into controlling pathogens, pests and parasitic plants, crop losses are still a regular feature of agriculture worldwide. This makes it important to manage the crop appropriately in order to maximise yield. Understanding the relationship between the occurrence and severity of attack, and the resulting yield loss, is an important step towards improved crop protection. Linked to this, is the need to better understand the mechanisms responsible for reductions in growth and yield in affected crops. Physiological Responses of Plants to Attack is unique because it deals with the effects of different attackers pathogens, herbivores, and parasitic plants, on host processes involved in growth, reproduction, and yield. Coverage includes effects on photosynthesis, partitioning of carbohydrates, water and nutrient relations, and changes in plant growth hormones. Far from being simply a consequence of attack, the alterations in primary metabolism reflect a more dynamic and complex interaction between plant and attacker, sometimes involving re programming of plant metabolism by the attacker. Physiological Responses of Plants to Attack is written and designed for use by senior undergraduates and postgraduates studying agricultural sciences, applied entomology, crop protection, plant pathology and plant sciences. Biological and agricultural research scientists in the agrochemical and crop protection industries, and in academia, will find much of use in this book. All libraries in universities and research establishments where biological and agricultural sciences are studied and taught should have copies of this exciting book on their shelves

  • Book Type :

Higher Education Textbooks

Book Binding :


Language :


Number of Pages :

248 pages

ISBN - 10 :


Physiological Responses of Plants to Attack Published On :

Import, 24 Apr 2015


Textbooks & Study Guides, Higher Education Textbooks Books for Students, Teachers, Graudates, Professionals and all others


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Physiological Responses of Plants to Attack

Physiological Responses of Plants to Attack Book Details:

Book Title: Physiological Responses of Plants to Attack
Author: Walters D R
ISBN-13: 9781444333299
Publication: Wiley-Blackwell (24 April 2015)

Buy now Walters D R Physiological Responses of Plants to Attack book from madrasshoppe.com and get it delivered to all pincodes in India.

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