Pits Stop For Performance by Kanti Gopal Kovvali Book-9788184956610
  • Pits Stop For Performance by Kanti Gopal Kovvali Book-9788184956610

Pits Stop For Performance

Book Title: Pits Stop For Performance
Author: Kanti Gopal Kovvali
ISBN-13: 9788184956610
Publication: Jaico Publishing House

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Overview of Pits Stop For Performance Book

The book 'Pit Stops for Peak Performance' uses the analogy of a Formula 1 Pit stop to explore how managers in organizations deal with their pit stops to achieve effortless high performance. It is interesting that Formula 1 - a race where winning depends on speed and the driver s ability to race ahead of others, what really differentiates winners from others are their SMART STOPS. This includes planned stops as well as unplanned stops. These stops in Formula 1 lingo are called Pit Stops. Isn t the work of a manager like the Formula 1 race where he/she is racing for excellence through the year? If Pit stops differentiate the winners from others, the book encourages managers to reflect how smart are their pit stops. This book will help managers to design and manage their organizational, team and employee review pit stops effectively. Through this book they will learn how to challenge assumptions, become future ready, use performance as a feed forward for the next year's strategy, convert mid year review into mid year accelerator, build trust to achieve effortless high performance. The book explores planned organizational pit stops such as strategy and annual planning reviews and unplanned ones due to feedback from customers, changes in customer expectations, competitor moves and over all shift in market trends and opportunities. Using examples of large-scale employee engagement methods the book helps readers understand how to leverage organizational pit stops. The book then explores team pit stops and how they can be used to shape culture, commitment and quick actions. Similarly the way individual pit stops such as annual and mid year performance reviews are handled have huge implications for the organizations survival and growth. A research study conducted recently has identified performance reviews as the single most reason for high levels of attrition. Handling this pit stop effectively requires a manager to develop trusting relationships with his team members. To explain how this can be done the book introduces and expands upon a radical, new concept called the "Leader of Choice". Most managers spend significant time chasing high performance, which is challenging and stressful- yet very elusive and unsustainable. But by becoming a leader of choice managers can achieve effortless high performance. The book introduces a Trust-Performance framework for becoming a Leader of Choice. It provides tools on how to generate trust and leverage on the energies this create to achieve high performance. Many organizations take mid-reviews lightly. This could be a mid project review or a mid year review. The book introduces a new paradigm of looking at mid-reviews as mid year accelerators. Research indicates that people lagging at the "mid point" can in fact become winners. Creating positive restlessness in employees during the mid year review can become the mid year accelerator. The book shows the readers how this can be done. The book points out that the ultimate goal for managers is to make people take responsibility for their own pit stops. The book provides ideas for managers to make their members self-leaders. Through out the book the reader is exposed to ideas on how to build trust and leverage it for high performance in each of the pit stops. The book tells the reader that the goal is to become a Leader of Choice, leverage pit stops to speed up and achieve effortless high performance. A leader of choice does not need to extract high quality work from the team. The team wants to prove that they are worthy team members. They give in their best and more because they want to prove that they are worthy to be his/her team members. When all the managers of an organization become Leaders of Choice, the pit stops become accelerators; the company becomes a high performing great place to work. If your managers sleep walk their annual appraisal feedback, year end budget reviews and importantly, long term strategy discussions - welcome their 2015-16 by gifting this book as a wake up call.

  • Book Type :

  • Business&Finance

  • Book Binding :

  • Paperback

  • Language :

  • English

  • Number of Pages :

  • 328 pages

  • ISBN - 10 :

  • 8184956614

  • Pits Stop For Performance Published On :

  • Import, 2015

  • Resource:

  • Students and Professionals:Textbooks, Business&Finance


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    • Table of Contents,Index,Syllabus,summary and image of Pits Stop For Performance book may be of a different edition or of the same title.
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Pits Stop For Performance

Book Title: Pits Stop For Performance
Author: Kanti Gopal Kovvali
ISBN-13: 9788184956610
Publication: Jaico Publishing House

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