The IIT Foundation Series Physics - Class 9 (Old Edition) by Trishna Knowledge System Book-9789332538115
  • The IIT Foundation Series Physics - Class 9 (Old Edition) by Trishna Knowledge System Book-9789332538115

The IIT Foundation Series Physics - Class 9 (Old Edition)

Book Title: The IIT Foundation Series Physics - Class 9 (Old Edition)
Author: Trishna Knowledge System
ISBN-13: 9789332538115
Publication: Pearson Education (2015)
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Overview of The IIT Foundation Series Physics - Class 9 (Old Edition) Book

The book, 'The IIT Foundation Series Physics - Class 9? is an effective study material for students who want to prepare for the all important IIT entrance exam. This book is prepared exclusively for class 9 students so that they can get started early and step ahead of the competition. The book helps in the basic understanding of various concepts related to Physics. This book comes from the house of Trishna Knowledge System and was published in the year 2015. The basic concept of this book is to clarify the most important topics of the subject to the students early on. The book includes all chapters of Physics and provides detailed notes. Some of the important topics include the likes of Gravity and its features, mass and weight. Plus, there is a discussion on dynamics like the centrifugal force along with the Newton?s law of motions. Then, other topics like work, power and energy are given due importance as well. The chapters on heat and light cover all dimensions along with details on the aspects of humidity, Charles?s law and Boyle?s law. The chapter on electricity has been described with extensive information including fundamental concepts of charge and ohm?s law. Then, there is a separate chapter on magnetic induction and magnetic field. Moreover, there are exercises and questions that help the students to practice. This also helps them to get a taste of the kind of questions that will appear on the exam day. About the author Trishna Knowledge System is a renowned publishing house that specializes in publishing books related to various exams. The attributes of simple language and engaging content have made their books reliable. Some of their popular books include JEE- ISEET Super Course in Mathematics Coordinate Geometry and Vector Algebra, A Complete Guide to the GATE - Electronics and Communication Engineering and Electronics and Communication Engineering Question Bank for the Gate. The book 'The IIT Foundation Series Physics - Class 9? covers the key concepts of Physics and enables students to kickstart their IIT entrance exam preparation. This book is easily available online for convenient shopping. You can bag this product exclusively from today by following a few easy steps.

  • Book Type :


Book Binding :


Language :


Number of Pages :

588 pages

ISBN - 10 :


The IIT Foundation Series Physics - Class 9 (Old Edition) Published On :



ExamPreparation, EngineeringEntrance for Students and Professionals


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The IIT Foundation Series Physics - Class 9 (Old Edition)

Book Title: The IIT Foundation Series Physics - Class 9 (Old Edition)
Author: Trishna Knowledge System
ISBN-13: 9789332538115
Publication: Pearson Education (2015)

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