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The Indigo Children Ten Years Later: What's Happening with the Indigo Teenagers! by LEE CARROLL and JAN TOBER Book-9781401923174
  • The Indigo Children Ten Years Later: What's Happening with the Indigo Teenagers! by LEE CARROLL and JAN TOBER Book-9781401923174

The Indigo Children Ten Years Later: What's Happening with the Indigo Teenagers!

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The Indigo Children Ten Years Later: What's Happening with the Indigo Teenagers! (Paperback) Book Details:

Book Title: The Indigo Children Ten Years Later: What's Happening with the Indigo Teenagers!
ISBN-13: 9781401923174
Publication: HAY HOUSE

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The Indigo Children Ten Years Later: What's Happening with the Indigo Teenagers! Book Information:

hildren? Oh yeah . . . I know about them! Wasnt there a movie about that? Theyre those special kids who do psychic things and who have dark blue auras, right?" If thats your take on the Indigos, then you really need to read this book. The Indigo Children are not super-psychic kids with dark blue auras. In fact, the Indigo moniker has nothing to do with auras or being psychic. Some of these teenagers are actually the ones who are strapping on bombs and bringing guns to school, so you can see that the subject here is far more profound than the sensational hype that often accompanies it.This book is all about the children of our planet, what really might be happening with them, why they do what they do, and what we can do to help them and our educators survive all this. In addition, the Indigos are slowly beginning to join the work force (gasp)!Join Lee Carroll and Jan Tober, the original authors of The Indigo Children, for a profound and frank discussion of this topic, ten years later. After all this time, what do some in higher education say about these kids? What do industry leaders say? Humanity is evolving, so you should definitely be aware of what these individuals are saying.Its time to stop the circus that has been created around this subject and get down to finding out how to help these children survive an earth they dont understand . . . or perhaps its just you they dont understand. . . . Join the leaders of education and industry who speak out in this book for a peek into the real issues surrounding the Indigos, and perhaps the future of humanity!

  • Book Type :

  • Higher Education Textbooks

  • Book Binding :

  • Paperback

  • Language :

  • English

  • Number of Pages :

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  • ISBN - 10 :

  • The Indigo Children Ten Years Later: What's Happening with the Indigo Teenagers! Published On :

  • NA

  • Resource:

  • Textbooks & Study Guides, Higher Education Textbooks Books for Students, Teachers, Graduates, Professionals, and all others


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The Indigo Children Ten Years Later: What's Happening with the Indigo Teenagers!

The Indigo Children Ten Years Later: What's Happening with the Indigo Teenagers! (Paperback) Book Details:

Book Title: The Indigo Children Ten Years Later: What's Happening with the Indigo Teenagers!
ISBN-13: 9781401923174
Publication: HAY HOUSE

Buy now LEE CARROLL and JAN TOBER The Indigo Children Ten Years Later: What's Happening with the Indigo Teenagers! book from madrasshoppe.com and get it delivered to all pincodes in India.

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