The Jesus Man: a dark and violent novel from the author of THE SLAP, about the effect of pornography on an Australian family

Book Title: The Jesus Man: a dark and violent novel from the author of THE SLAP, about the effect of pornography on an Australian family
ISBN-13: 9781782397250
Publication: Atlantic Books
Edition: Main edition (3 November 2016)

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Overview of The Jesus Man: a dark and violent novel from the author of THE SLAP, about the effect of pornography on an Australian family Book

The Jesus Man tells the story of one family, trapped between conflicting identities - while the parents were born Greek and Italian, the three sons, Dom, Tommy and Louie, have grown up as Australians. Haunted by their history and increasing inability to relate to each other, Tommy inexorably descends into a cycle of violence, pornography and madness. When he commits a terrible crime, his family must try to come to terms with the terrifying stranger he had become, and the hell that living had been for him. With page-turning, thrilling urgency, Tsiolkas' uncompromising and darkly humorous examination of the soulless void that life can become, detached from reality by technology, is an extremely powerful and timely novel, reminding us once again of his talent and originality as a writer.

    • Book Type :

Contemporary Fiction

    • Book Binding :


    • Language :


    • Number of Pages :

400 pages

    • ISBN - 10 :


    • The Jesus Man: a dark and violent novel from the author of THE SLAP, about the effect of pornography on an Australian family Published On :

3 Nov 2016

    • Resource:

Literature & Fiction, Contemporary Fiction Books for Students, Teachers, Graudates, Professionals and all others


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The Jesus Man: a dark and violent novel from the author of THE SLAP, about the effect of pornography on an Australian family

Book Title: The Jesus Man: a dark and violent novel from the author of THE SLAP, about the effect of pornography on an Australian family
ISBN-13: 9781782397250
Publication: Atlantic Books
Edition: Main edition (3 November 2016)

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