The Only Fatherland: Communists, 'Quit India' and the Soviet Union by Arun Shourie Book-9789351365938
  • The Only Fatherland: Communists, 'Quit India' and the Soviet Union by Arun Shourie Book-9789351365938

The Only Fatherland: Communists, 'Quit India' and the Soviet Union

Book Title: The Only Fatherland: Communists, 'Quit India' and the Soviet Union
Author: Arun Shourie
ISBN-13: 9789351365938
Publication: Harpercollins
Edition: new edition (15 June 2014)
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Overview of The Only Fatherland: Communists, 'Quit India' and the Soviet Union Book

Are ideologies a pair of binoculars that enable us to see far? Or are they a pair of blinkers that keep us from seeing even that which is at hand? How is it that communists; equipped as they are with the one great Theory that explains everything; fumble ever so often in seeing the obvious? How did the Theory lead them to declare the Second World War as an 'Imperialist War' one day; and a 'People's War' the next? How did it lead them to undertake to sabotage the Quit India Movement for the British? How did it lead them to trumpet the demand for Pakistan 'better than the Muslim League'? To declare in 1947 that India had not really become independent? To insist that Pandit Nehru was just "a running dog of imperialism"? To launch an insurrection in 1949 on the premise that India was ripe for an armed revolution? To fumble so much in their response to the end of the communist bloc? Arun Shourie; one of the most respected commentators on current affairs in India today; illustrates the malady by reconstructing what the communists did during the Quit India Movement. In the process he uncovers the secret negotiations they conducted and the secret understanding they struck with the British; the reports they submitted to the imperial rulers about the work they were doing to subvert the movement Mahatma Gandhi had launched. He concludes with a review of the reactions of Indian communists to the break-up of the Soviet empire; showing how their mental make-up and habits have not changed in the six decades since independence.

  • Book Type :

  • Humanities

  • Book Binding :

  • Paperback

  • Language :

  • English

  • Number of Pages :

  • 216 pages

  • ISBN - 10 :

  • 935136593X

  • The Only Fatherland: Communists, 'Quit India' and the Soviet Union Published On :

  • Box set, 15 Jun 2014

  • Resource:

  • Textbooks, Humanities Books for Students, Teachers, Graudates, Professionals and all others


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The Only Fatherland: Communists, 'Quit India' and the Soviet Union

Book Title: The Only Fatherland: Communists, 'Quit India' and the Soviet Union
Author: Arun Shourie
ISBN-13: 9789351365938
Publication: Harpercollins
Edition: new edition (15 June 2014)

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