The Potential Principle: A Proven System for Closing the Gap Between How Good You are and How Good You Could Be

Book Title: The Potential Principle: A Proven System for Closing the Gap Between How Good You are and How Good You Could Be
Author: Mark Sanborn
ISBN-13: 9781404106642
Publication: Thomas Nelson (30 August 2017)
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Overview of The Potential Principle: A Proven System for Closing the Gap Between How Good You are and How Good You Could Be Book

The ultimate strategy for succeeding in your personal and professional life.Are you living up to your true potential? Do you feel like you have more potential? You may be the best in your field-the best athlete, scholar, CEO, parent, mathematician, teacher or mechanic. But that doesn't mean you can't still be better; you haven't maximized your potential.Leadership expert and international bestselling author of The Fred Factor and You Don't Need a Title to Be a Leader, Mark Sanborn invites you to get better and close the gap between how good you are and how good you can be.Teaching you to employ Sanborn's uniquely designed "Potential Matrix" to specific areas of your life, The Potential Principle provides you with the tools you need to see breakthrough improvement in key areas of your life.One of the most exciting opportunities is right in front of you every day: pursuing your true potential. You're on your way. You can make your best second-best. You can be better.

  • Book Type :

Business, Strategy & Management

Book Binding :


Language :


Number of Pages :

144 pages

ISBN - 10 :


The Potential Principle: A Proven System for Closing the Gap Between How Good You are and How Good You Could Be Published On :

30 Aug 2017


Business & Economics, Business, Strategy & Management Books for Students, Teachers, Graudates, Professionals and all others


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The Potential Principle: A Proven System for Closing the Gap Between How Good You are and How Good You Could Be

Book Title: The Potential Principle: A Proven System for Closing the Gap Between How Good You are and How Good You Could Be
Author: Mark Sanborn
ISBN-13: 9781404106642
Publication: Thomas Nelson (30 August 2017)

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