The Power Book: Who Has it and Why?: What is it, Who Has it and Why? by Claire Saunders, Georgia Amson-Bradshaw, Minna Salami, M
  • The Power Book: Who Has it and Why?: What is it, Who Has it and Why? by Claire Saunders, Georgia Amson-Bradshaw, Minna Salami, M

The Power Book: Who Has it and Why?: What is it, Who Has it and Why?


The Power Book: Who Has it and Why?: What is it, Who Has it and Why? (Hardcover) Book Details:

Book Title: The Power Book: Who Has it and Why?: What is it, Who Has it and Why?
Author: Claire Saunders, Georgia Amson-Bradshaw, Minna Salami, Mik Scarlet, Haz
ISBN-13: 9781782408307
Publication: The Quarto Group

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The Power Book: Who Has it and Why?: What is it, Who Has it and Why? Book Information:

piring and brightly illustrated guide to power, learn about the different types of power, what it means to have power and what you can do with your own power to create positive change in the world, no matter who or how old you are. What makes you the boss of me? What makes a king a king, or a queen a queen? Why can some people vote for their leaders, but other people cant? Does having lots of money make you powerful? Why are there fewer female scientists, leaders and artists than men in history books? These are things that kids wonder about. The Power Book answers these and other questions in a relatable way for young people, including thought-provoking discussions on challenging topics, like war, bullying, racism, sexism and homophobia. You will gain an understanding of your place in your family, your school and the world, and will discover ways in which you can use your own power to shape the future. As you explore the many aspects of power, thinking points pose questions that spark self-reflection and quotes and stories from some of the greatest change-makers such as Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr., Emmeline Pankhurst, Rosa Parks, Malala Yousafzai and Stephen Hawking provide historical context and inspiration. Find more opportunities for learning at the back with a glossary of terms and suggestions for further reading. Gain a greater understanding of how power works, then learn how to harness it for good with The Power Book.

  • Book Type/Genre :

  • Family Personal Social Issues

  • Book Binding :

  • Hardcover

  • Language :

  • Number of Pages :

  • Page count varies on each edition/reprint

  • ISBN - 10 :

  • The Power Book: Who Has it and Why?: What is it, Who Has it and Why? Published On :

  • Resource:

  • Childrens Young Adult, Family Personal Social Issues Book is recommended for Students, Teachers, Graduates, Professionals, and all bibliophiles


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The Power Book: Who Has it and Why?: What is it, Who Has it and Why?

The Power Book: Who Has it and Why?: What is it, Who Has it and Why? (Hardcover) Book Details:

Book Title: The Power Book: Who Has it and Why?: What is it, Who Has it and Why?
Author: Claire Saunders, Georgia Amson-Bradshaw, Minna Salami, Mik Scarlet, Haz
ISBN-13: 9781782408307
Publication: The Quarto Group

Buy now Claire Saunders, Georgia Amson-Bradshaw, Minna Salami, Mik Scarlet, Haz The Power Book: Who Has it and Why?: What is it, Who Has it and Why? book from and get it delivered to all pincodes in India.

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