Winds of Skilak: The Continuing Saga of One Couple's Adventures and Survival in the Alaskan Wilderness: Volume 2 by Ward, Bonnie
  • Winds of Skilak: The Continuing Saga of One Couple's Adventures and Survival in the Alaskan Wilderness: Volume 2 by Ward, Bonnie

Winds of Skilak: The Continuing Saga of One Couple's Adventures and Survival in the Alaskan Wilderness: Volume 2


Winds of Skilak: The Continuing Saga of One Couple's Adventures and Survival in the Alaskan Wilderness: Volume 2 (Paperback) Book Details:

Book Title: Winds of Skilak: The Continuing Saga of One Couple's Adventures and Survival in the Alaskan Wilderness: Volume 2
Author: Ward, Bonnie Rose
ISBN-13: 9780999698709

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Winds of Skilak: The Continuing Saga of One Couple's Adventures and Survival in the Alaskan Wilderness: Volume 2 Book Information:

ak: The Continuing Saga of One Couple's Adventures and Survival in the Alaskan Wilderness continues the journey of Bonnie Rose Ward as a "wilderness wife" and her tough-as-nails husband Sam in the stark, challenging, and exhilarating wilds of Alaska. Imagine canning a whole moose. One thousand pounds of meat, critical to survival through the brutal winter on an island in Alaska. And doing it in a home with no electricity, no plumbing, and no refrigeration. For the Wards, this is just another ordinary task in an environment that can be unforgiving of mistakes but immensely rewarding to those willing to embrace the work of creating a home in a harsh but beautiful land. In this sequel, Sam and Bonnie are thriving, building getaway cabins and continuing to joyfully tackle life on a remote, isolated island on Skilak Lake, where williwaw winds can whip up suddenly and without warning, and wicked storms can blow for weeks. In an era before cell phones and internet, their ability to communicate with the rest of the world, accessible only by boat or plane, is at the whim of the temperamental lake. Then, just as they are about to achieve a new dream, one of the largest man-made, environmental disasters strikes, altering their lives and threatening their livelihood and idyllic life. Will the love and devotion between Bonnie and Sam be enough for them to survive, or will Alaska finally win? From the awe-inspiring beauty of the Northern Lights, to terrifying accidents and strangers, to a Christmas miracle, this is a testament of courage and inspiration to anyone born with a wild longing in their hearts. Through sorrows and joys, love and loss, God's hand is always present in their lives as Bonnie shares her chronicle of faith, survival, and beauty in an untamed land few others will ever know.

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  • Paperback

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  • English

  • Number of Pages :

  • Page count varies on each edition/reprint

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  • Winds of Skilak: The Continuing Saga of One Couple's Adventures and Survival in the Alaskan Wilderness: Volume 2 Published On :

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  • History, Region & Countries Book is recommended for Students, Teachers, Graduates, Professionals, and all bibliophiles


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Winds of Skilak: The Continuing Saga of One Couple's Adventures and Survival in the Alaskan Wilderness: Volume 2

Winds of Skilak: The Continuing Saga of One Couple's Adventures and Survival in the Alaskan Wilderness: Volume 2 (Paperback) Book Details:

Book Title: Winds of Skilak: The Continuing Saga of One Couple's Adventures and Survival in the Alaskan Wilderness: Volume 2
Author: Ward, Bonnie Rose
ISBN-13: 9780999698709

Buy now Ward, Bonnie Rose Winds of Skilak: The Continuing Saga of One Couple's Adventures and Survival in the Alaskan Wilderness: Volume 2 book from and get it delivered to all pincodes in India.

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