You Can Win
Book Title: | You Can Win |
Author: | Shiv Khera |
ISBN-13: | 9780333938003 |
Publication: | Macmillan |
Edition: | First edition (2000) |
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Overview of You Can Win Book
You Can Win is a bestselling self help book that is internationally acclaimed and rests its fundamental principles on the idea that winners are not those people who do different things: rather, they are achievers because they do things differently. Available in Hindi and English, You can Win is witty, frank and simple. The novel is easily comprehensible to all and is focused on a practical approach in merging ancient yogic traditions with contemporary positive thinking ideas to create the perfect system. Insodoing, Shiv Khera asserts that any individual can therefore balance their lives to simplify and focus on their ideals, thereby conquering day-to-day banal confusions and distractions. You Can Win by Shiv Khera is in its first edition and was published as a paperback in 2000 by Macmillan Publishers India as the newest in the author's line of inspirational novelettes. Key Features: In the upcoming inspirational film Carve Your Destiny, directed by Anubhav Srivastava, this book and its author feature heavily. The book was also advocated by BJP leader Advani in one of his motivational talks to the youth and future of India. The book is also available in its Hindi title Jeet Aapki: Kaamyabi Ki Or Le Jaane Vali Seedi.
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343 pages
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